Local SEO Marketing Services


SEO and Digital Marketing for Electricians

Find new clients seeking electrician services with SEO and digital marketing from the experts at Local SEO. Improve visibility, communicate your values and engage your audience using our tired and true methods.

How can digital marketing for electricians help your business…

It’s no surprise the U.S. is seeing an increased demand for qualified electricians. Experts attribute this to infrastructure growth, adoption of solar energy, and the proliferation of commercial energy efficiency projects. A publication by the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that electrician employment will grow by 8% between 2019-2029.

As demand for electricians grows, so does the need for electrical contractors to market their services online. In todays digital age, you are missing out on a great opportunity if you are stuck with traditional marketing strategies.

At Local SEO, we are committed to driving the right customers to your business with powerful online marketing tactics while you remain focused on managing your business and keeping your employees busy. Let Local SEO do the heavy lifting with your digital marketing so you can convert visits into leads and sales.

Digital Markeitng for Electricians
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Help Your Electrical Services Company Get Found with Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

You can’t get the most out of your website without the proper means of driving traffic there. Our SEO and Digital Marketing for electricians will help drive the traffic you desire to your website. Keep in mind that 90+% of web traffic originates from organic searches. We focus on implementing robust SEO campaigns that will elevate your website’s ranking for targeted keywords and markets and keep the leads coming in.

The experts at Local SEO don’t just drive traffic to your website, we harness top-level conversion optimization techniques to convert visitors into buying and returning customers. By deploying winning local SEO tactics, we can rank your business on top of online local listings and bring more customers to your door.


Web Design and Development to Grow Your Electrical Services Business

The foundation of every quality digital marketing campaign is a professional business website. Paired with other digital marketing services for electricians a strong website can be a very powerful asset. Build a mobile and Google-friendly website that attracts the right people into your business and instills confidence in your prospects with experienced web developers from Local SEO.

Let our expert web designers create a website tailored to your unique requirements, branding and messaging, giving you an edge over your online competitors.


Websites for Electricians

Social Media Marketing for Electrical Service Companies

Optimize your social media presence and stand out from the crowd with our social media marketing campaigns for electricians. We can help you engage the right audience on social media and build a loyal community with engaging content from sharable videos and helpful tips, to insightful infographics.

Tap into social media advertising to place your electrical company’s ads on many popular social platforms. Think of it as online billboards that display your services to your social media prospects. We target ads to key audience demographics such as location, interests, social behavior, and age.

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Pay-Per-Click Advertising for Electrical Services

Statistics show that the top 3 search results account for 41% of clicks on Google result pages. Pay-per-click advertising is a great way to increase online visibility and lead generation for your electrical services company and show up at the top of relevant search results.

Our Google Ads experts will identify relevant keywords, create compelling ad copy and target high-intent audiences at the right time to drive more leads to your business. We also re-target users who have previously visited your site with eye-catching banner ads. Local SEO’s tested conversion rate optimization tactics are sure to convert your website visits into booked appointments.


About the Founder

Christopher Lovos

I founded Local SEO back in 2016 with a mission to help local businesses create a source of traffic that will continue to give and grow with their business as they mature. Before I started Local SEO I was a struggling business owner struggling to make sales online for my e-commerce business. Till the company started hemorrhaging cash, I was forced to close the doors for the company after 4 long hard years. That is when I figured out that pay per click advertising wasn’t the way to go because it wasn’t scalable and it goes through ups and downs all year round.

For most business owners this becomes a trap because once you stop the Pay Per Click, your lead flow stops and everything goes downhill. This is where SEO became a huge interest to me because it provides stability and generates free traffic in the long run. A few years later my business now has a source of traffic that generates leads on a daily basis absolutely free. The question now is are you ready to make you website a lead generating money machine? Give us a call or fill the form to talk to Chris today.



