Local SEO Marketing Services


SEO and Digital Marketing for Painters

Help your company attract new customers with a data-driven digital marketing strategy for painters that focuses on keywords and phrases frequently searched by your clients.

How SEO and Digital Marketing for Painters can Improve Client Acquisition for Your Business…

Do you want more leads, more sales, and more authority for your painting business online? The experts at Local SEO can help diagnose your strengths and weaknesses and devise a custom solution to generate more leads and increase visibility of your painting business. A fully customized digital marketing strategy for painting companies like yours will help customers find your business on search engines like Google, improve your website, increase brand awareness and drive more leads! All you have to do is do what you do best!

Digital Marketing for Painters
SEO and Digital Marketing for Painters

Help Your Painting Business Get Found with Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is an excellent way to get found in your local market. Most people will start their search for a new painting contractor on Google. The problem is, every day Google is tweaking their algorithms to filter out spammers and those using cheap techniques to increase their rankings. Further, every year or two they roll out major updates that cause a huge shift in search engine ranking for nearly everyone on the web.

Our SEO specialists keep a keen out for these updates and trends and will execute a custom strategy tailored to your goals. Over the course of a few months, SEO optimization will increase your ranking, making it easier for prospects to find you on Google and similar search engines.

Use Website Design to Grow Your Painting Business

A website is the heart beat of a solid digital marketing strategy for painting contractors. It is where you’ll direct traffic when running your ads and campaigns and if it isn’t up to date you risk losing leads to your competition. Moreover, when people first discover your site they will judge your business based on its design. If it’s slow or poorly written this is another reason you may lose a lead. Leverage the experience of our website and development team to ensure you website drives more traffic, secures more leads and translates those leads to conversions.

Website Design for Painters

Social Media Advertising for Painting Companies

Regardless of the size of your painting business, social media is a powerful way to reach prospects and customers. Most likely customers are already interacting with other brands on social media. If you aren’t already interacting directly with your audience through social media on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest, you are missing out. With Local SEO’s social media services, we will help you engage with customers through creative content that drives audience engagement. If you want to get more bang for your buck, social media advertising is a highly cost-effective method to expand your reach. When done right, you can place your ad in front of a huge audience at a very low cost.

Social Media for Painters
PPC for Painters

PPC for Painting Companies

The purpose of a Pay-Per-Click advertising campaign is to get you more qualified leads and spark conversions for your business. As a business owner, you want focused advertisements targeted at a specific audience that grab their attention and deliver you message. This way, your prospects understand your business and the deal you’re bringing to the table.

The PPC experts at Local SEO will help you create compelling ads and put them in front of the right people to bring you more leads and increase your visibility on search engines. All that left to do is close the deal!


